Eligibility & Submission Process

Please read all the instructions, requirements and eligibility sections to make sure your campaign qualifies before submitting. To submit an entry you have to create an account, fill out the forms and upload your creative assets. Then, we will contact you via email for payment. 

If you have any questions, please contact us via email at info@hispanicmarketingcouncil.org or by phone at 703 745-5531.




  • Best Hispanic Cultural Insight – when a Hispanic insight inspired a Hispanic targeted campaign;
  • Mainstream Impact – when a Hispanic or multicultural insight impacted the mainstream market campaign;
  • Impact on Innovation – when a Hispanic or multicultural insight led to an innovation in a new product, service or brand offering;
  • Impactful Multicultural Research when an original Hispanic or Multicultural research project yielded actionable and innovative audience insights;
  • Pro-Bono – when a Hispanic or multicultural insight led to a targeted pro-bono cause or a related program addressing multicultural community needs;
  • Shopper AND/OR Experiential Impact – when a Hispanic or multicultural insight was effectively applied in the design and execution of a shopper, lifestyle, experiential, or promotional live activation program;
  • Media Connections & Content Strategy Impact – when Hispanic or multicultural insights were applied to targeted connections and/or content strategies that drive effective cultural reach and engagement;
  • Content Creator & Consumer Engagement Strategy – when Hispanic or multicultural insights were used to develop a content creator/influencer marketing program targeting key consumers;
  • Creative Ingenuity – when a creative campaign activated a courageous and/or unexpected interpretation of a Hispanic or multicultural insight and brief. Creativity is the craft of applying art to purpose, as such this category seeks to celebrate ingenuity of purpose in the art of the work.


$225 for Hispanic Marketing Council members and $275 for non-members. Price is for each entry/submission not total.

Once we receive your submission(s) we will contact you via email for payment. We will send an electronic invoice that requires immediate payment to accept any number of entries via email for credit card payment.


DEADLINE ENDED February 28, 2025 at 5:00 p.m. Eastern Time.

The deadline for submission of entries is until February 20, 2025 at 7:00 p.m. Eastern Time.


These awards are open to all U.S.-based companies. Only submissions where the media has run at some point between January 2024 until February 2025 may enter.


Quality of the strategic process, depth of thinking, and originality of crafted insight – 40%
Linkage between strategy and creative concept – 40%
Impact on the market – results, repercussions – 20%


Stage I – A total of 30+ jurors representing thought leaders from the multicultural marketing and advertising community, including strategists, creative directors, research analysts and leading marketing professionals from clients and agencies will be divided into groups  to review entries in nine categories. They will receive all entries for their individual category and evaluation based on a previously established scoring criteria. In this first stage the jury will decide which of the entries will be short-listed for the next stage.

Stage II – Category juries will review their respective short lists and select campaigns for Gold, Silver, Bronze and Honorable Mention designations. These results are then forwarded to the Grand Jury for ratification.

Stage III – The Grand Jury will meet to reevaluate the short list and confirm award winners based on these three clear goals:

  1. Reevaluation and confirmation of the short list.
  2. Ratify awards selection.
  3. Determine if a gold winner is worthy and rises to a Best of Show or Grand Prix status.

All winners from Stage II and Stage III will be notified via e-mail by the week of 3/24/2025.

Each good, silver, bronze, honorary mention winner will be recognized on Hispanic Marketing Council website.

All gold winners will be advised immediately of their wins and be expected to provide a 2 minutes case video as well as participate in a live panel webinar session and/or invited to a session at the HMC Summit on April 8, 2025.


  • Between two (2) and four (4) individual creative elements* per entry.
  • A maximum of 2 individual creative elements per medium.
  • Two (2) minutes case video/film summarizing your entry and showcasing the key creative elements is encouraged.
  • A one (1) page digital presentation image summarizing case study highlights, results and creative is encouraged.
  • For Media submissions should include a one (1) pager with a basic flowchart and any desired additional charts.
  • For Experiential submissions should include a one (1) pager with key images and layouts of your footprint design.

Material(s) only for the Impactful Multicultural Research category is as follow:
One (1) page digital presentation (PPT/PDF) / image summarizing case study highlights, results and creative.
Optional for the Insightful Multicultural Research:
• 1 – 3 additional creative assets that captures the spirit/essence of your project.
• A 2-minute case film summarizing your entry and showcasing the key insights and resulting strategic/creative elements.

*Creative formats accepted: PNG, JPEG or PDF files (print, outdoor, online banners). File formats for video must be MP4 (TV, radio, online audio and video).
Please do not upload any further written material as the judges will not consider these. The written component of your entry should be fully explained within the provided form fields. Entries submitted outside of these formats and guidelines will not be accepted. Click here to view a sample form (written case study form).

The designated contact person must be available for questions prior to the judging sessions and, most importantly, during the judging sessions in case the jury needs clarification.

You may submit more than one entry, but each entry must be submitted with its own entry form and written case study, along with its creative materials and its own entry fee.

All nominations, information and materials received/submitted for this award program are the sole property of the Hispanic Marketing Council (HMC), who is authorized to edit and publish the complete entry and accompanying creative materials.